Today we go to Firenze! Or, Florence, as you may call it. We check out of the S. Pietro B&B in Rome early in the morning and take a taxi to the train terminal. We buy our 2 tickets on Trenitalia’s high-speed rail. Cost is 86 Euros ($113), and it will take just 1 hour, 36 minutes to travel 173 miles. The train will be speeding in excess of 120 mph. We took Rick Steves’ advice NOT to get a EurailPass, which would have cost almost four times as much.
It’s a fascinating ride, seeing all the Italian countryside. There are many open fields that have been harvested – grapes, grains, fruit. Other meadows await a late fall harvest. We see glimpses of the terracotta topped Tuscan estates on top of hills, and an old brick barn that is falling apart. But at such a high speed, Ross finds it difficult to get many shots before they zip out of sight. Ooh, look! It's a General Electric power plant!
One vision we do see is dark, threatening clouds. There were some predictions of thunderstorms. Please don’t. Not while we’re in Florence!
We arrive at the Florence terminal, and do the 10-minute walk to Souvenir Maya, our abode for the next five nights. Classy room! On the wall are three large abstract prints, all hanging at slightly different levels. If you like Print number 1, then you will love Print number 3. It’s identical! And the wallpaper looks like it had been romoved from another room and pasted on these walls.
Ross also develops a liking for what he calls the “creepy flying monkey thingy” sculpture atop another small fountain, northeast of the Duomo. As the days pass, Ross takes several photos of the CFMT, which we will share later.